
  • 田氏阴阳八卦掌是中国八卦掌三大主要流派之一。她以鹤行、雕旋的劲势,刚柔相济、洒脱飘溢的风格,演绎着中国传统文化的古老文明。
    Tian family's YinYang Bagua Zhang is one of three main Bagua Zhang systems in China. It integrates the crane-walking and roc-spanning powers, the soft and hard, uplifting,elegant, impressive and graceful styles. It also transmites China's ancient civilization of traditional cultures.


    Tian family's YinYang Bagua Zhang is the martial arts styled as twisting, spanning, sitting and lifting. This style integrates offense with defense and combines the internal with the external. The origin of this style occurred when the Chinese ancestors combined the "Book of Changes" with the YinYang truth. Following the Eight-Trigrams way, they observed the actions of animals and environmental changes. Tian family's YinYang Bagua Zhang was created from these observations being studied and practiced over several generation.


    The practice routines is divided into eight forms: Python, Lion, Tiger, Bear, Snake, Horse, Monkey, and Roc. "Ba" means eight, "Gua" means form, and "Zhang" means palm. One "Zhang" palm is divided into eight postures. Each posture is divided into three different "Cheng" movements. The total is one hundred and ninety-two Cheng. Each Gua is clearly distinctive. The style of Tian family's YinYang Bagua Zhang is integrated with the soft and the hard, powerful and majestic -- transmitting China's exquisite traditional culture.